Bart de Wever, the moulting of a Flemish nationalist who has become Prime Minister of Belgium

No sooner had he taken an oath before King Philippe than he was arriving at the informal European Summit in Brussels on Monday, February 3. “When I arrived, I was asked who I was”confided, without smiling but with his usual sense of irony, the new Belgian Prime Minister, questioned by RTBF.
Perfect unknown on the European scene, Bart de Wever, 54, is, on the other hand, a striking figure of national politics for twenty years, marked by its sharp words, its sometimes virulent nationalism and, very recently, by the Spectacular turn which made him, president of the neoflamande alliance (N-VA), the separatist party he created in 2001, the leader of the federal government of Belgium.
Tuesday afternoon, he was to make a policy of politics before the Chamber of Deputies and, then, obtain the confidence of his four French-speaking partners, centrists and liberals, socialists and Christians-democrats. Abandoning the town hall of Antwerp, which he conquered in 2012, for the 16th, the law of the law, the Cabinet of the Prime Minister, Mr. de Wever (known as “BDW”) will therefore lead a country of which he said, in 2008, that he no longer existed. Asked the following year about the political situation of Wallonia, dominated by the Socialist Party and which he estimated “In bankruptcy”he said he refused to decide on “A foreign situation”.
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