“Brussels must not become a symbol of blocking”: the king welcomes the formation of a federal government and launched a call to the Brussels resident

“Brussels must not become a symbol of blocking”: the king welcomes the formation of a federal government and launched a call to the Brussels resident

“Unfortunately, this is not yet the case in the Brussels Region, where negotiations are today at a standstill,” continued Philippe. “Brussels – our beautiful capital of Europe also – is a crossroads, not a dead end. It should not become a symbol of blocking. Its elected officials have always found in the past convergence paths. I have no doubt that they will have At heart to find them this time also for the good of the inhabitants of the region and the image of our country “.

Secondly, hidden, in the shadows: how to explain the “invisibilization” of women in the first photo of the new federal government?

In these times of polarization, opinion the king insisted on the meaning of compromise and dialogue, foundations of the Belgian model.

“To defend his convictions is the very essence of politics. But in a pluralist system, based on the formation of coalitions, the search for compromise is just as much. (..) The differences of opinion nourish the Democratic debate as long as they do not become sterile quarrels, where everyone camps on their positions. government team will be careful, “he said.

Bart de Wever held his first official speech on this occasion as Prime Minister. He insisted on the majority enjoyed by the new government “Arizona” both on the Dutch and French -speaking side.

“I am happy to be able to present myself before you with the brand new team of the federal government. A government which, for the first time in sixteen years, benefits from democratic support on both sides of the linguistic border. Healthy democratic support which should finally be the norm, “he said.

A badge and two surprises: Alexander de Croo offers two gifts to Bart de Wever (photo)

The new head of government has listed the challenges facing the new team, starting with the budget deficit. “International institutions calculate that in unchanged politics, our budget would become the worst from all over Europe,” he warned. “We cannot evade the responsibilities of tomorrow by avoiding them today. (…) This country will not be the ostrich, but will roll up the sleeves to guarantee the prosperity and the future of our fellow citizens”.

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