The king calls on Brussels negotiators to find the meaning of the compromise: “Brussels must not become a symbol of blocking”

The king continued, facing an audience of political figures (including David Leisterh, Brussels trainer), by a call to find the way to the Belgian compromise. “”Belgium has been built on continuous dialogue and compromise, a model where the strongest does not seek to impose itself at all costs at the expense of the other, where the search for the common good remains the primary rule and The basis of political life. The social virtues that are mutual respect, confidence, solidarity, the sense of service found our democratic model, and will preserve it. Let’s not forget. “
Before adding, in his conclusion: “Defending your convictions is the very essence of politics. But in a pluralist system, based on the formation of coalitions, the search for compromise is just as much. “
For the king, “lhe divergences of opinion nourish democratic debate as long as they do not become sterile quarrels, where everyone camps on their positions. They must also be able to lead to a synthesis, lead to tangible results, which meet the needs of the population. “
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In his speech, the head of state also stressed the importance of retaining the path of prosperity, in Belgium and Europe. “”Antwerp Declaration and the rapport Draghi have drawn the way for the reindustrialisation of Europe, emphasizing technologies, infrastructure and energy supply. I am convinced that the new government team will be attentive to it. “
The king also referred, in a diverted way, on the coming to power of Donald Trump, but also to Russia of Vladimir Putin, and to the threats they can represent. “At a time when certain great powers seek to unilaterally impose their vision, let us remain vigilant. Our European continent, long a haven of peace and prosperity, is today threatened, both economic and military. The defense of our territories And our way of life is a responsibility common to all the member states of the European Union, because security is the primary foundation of all freedom. Make your part vis-à-vis its European allies and NATO. “