“A strong democratic mandate”: Bart de Wever evokes the “many challenges” with which Belgium is confronted

“A strong democratic mandate”: Bart de Wever evokes the “many challenges” with which Belgium is confronted

In his speech before the highest authorities in the country, Prime Minister Bart de Wever underlined the “Many challenges” to which our country is faced, but also the response that the new government intends to provide thanks to its “Strong democratic mandate”. King Philippe has expressed his satisfaction with the new federal government, while regretting that he is not yet the same in the Brussels region.

Bart de Wever began his speech by finding that “For the first time in 16 years, there is a government which has democratic support on both sides of the linguistic border”. “Healthy democratic support which should ultimately be the norm”, he said. “This strong democratic mandate must now result in responses to the great challenges of our time.”

M. de Wever then presented the “Many challenges” with which our country faces, such as the budgetary situation, the low labor market participation rate, the aging of the population weighing on the health care and pensions system, immigration and the geopolitical situation.

“Both in the north and in the south of the country, the signal sent last June to the ruling class was clear: these challenges had to be met. The coalition agreement that I will explain later in Parliament hopes to respond to this signal. “”

Mr. de Wever said the new government will pursue a rigorous revival policy, “But we don’t lose anyone”. He concluded with the following message: “We cannot avoid the responsibilities of tomorrow by avoiding them today”.

In his speech, King Philippe was then delighted with the arrival of a new government, a moment that the country was waiting for “Considered”. However, he deplored that there is still no agreement in Brussels. “Our beautiful capital – and also that of Europe – must remain a crossroads and not a dead end”he said.

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