A train accompanist assaulted in Charleroi station: a suspect was arrested

A train accompanist assaulted in Charleroi station: a suspect was arrested

An individual born in 1990 and from France was placed under arrest warrant following the assault of a train accompanist last Saturday at Charleroi-Central station, the Charleroi prosecutor’s office said on Tuesday. A psychiatric expertise of the accused has been ordered.

On Saturday, February 1, a train guide was attacked by an individual on a quay of Charleroi-Central station. Window of the facts, the Charleroi prosecutor’s office confirmed on Tuesday in the morning that the train guide had been injured and that she presented a 15 -day work inability. “A security agent would have interposed during the altercation and would also be injured,” added the Carolo parquet.

The suspect, born in 1990, was arrested on a train. The latter is of French origin and is already known to the authorities of France, said the Charleroi prosecutor’s office. The man, heard by the police, would have made inconsistent remarks and seemed disoriented.

Presented to an investigating judge, the thirty -something was placed under arrest warrant and the latter’s psychiatric expertise was ordered, concluded the public prosecutor.

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