Wever I government: stronger pressure on doctors

Wever I government: stronger pressure on doctors

And the announcement of a decrease in administrative tasks that lead the daily life of generalists? He does not see where it can be implemented, “Not in any case with the restoration of the certificate for a day of absence at work. I think it’s especially good for the employer. That said, we doctors have not found a drop in our activity related to the abolition of this certificate“.

Reinforced support for incapacity

The Minister of Health, Frank Vandenbroucke (Vooruit) plans to further involve treating physicians in the follow -up of people on work stoppages due to illness.

In the event of incapacity of more than two months, it will be the “responsible doctor” to play. His role is defined in the government agreement: “This doctor plays a coordination role in monitoring and supporting patients with long-term work and serves as a first point of contact for communication with the medical adviser and the occupational physician. Ideally, it is the general practitioner, but if desired, this role can be transferred to a specialist“.

This will undoubtedly allow people to be put back to work, concedes Luc Herry: “We will have to see this in the long term. Putting people back to work is good for everyone. But for This must be improved consultation between the general practitioner and the occupational doctor. “A first step will be taken in the coming days with the opening of a site allowing the exchange of information between the general practitioner and the doctor of work.

A new vision rather than continuity

If some are pleased not to change their Minister of Health (read elsewhere), the president of Absym Wallonne is more mixed: “Under the previous legislature, many problems have settled, the shortage of caregivers has worsened … I would have liked to have a new vision.”

Certain decisions made by Frank Vandenbroucke have left a bitter taste, this is particularly the case with the abolition of the reimbursement of the teleconsultations put in place during the pandemic and the delegation of certain tasks to pharmacists whose vaccination against flu and, even more, The prohibition for generalists to store antigrippal vaccines in their office.“We come to take part of our activity that we transmit to pharmacists or physiothest we do not do the opposite. We asked to have vaccines against flu in our fridges, this was refused while the ‘We could vaccinate more people. “.

General practitioners shortage

One of the advanced tracks to counter the shortage of doctors and dentists is to raise the quotas of students. A good thing for Absym Wallonia? “”It would be better to know the time devoted by doctors to the curative because many of them do prevention, teach, exercise in another country, reorient themselves towards a field other than medicine. What is needed above all is to make the job attractive for young people. There is no point in training doctors if they leave the job because it is not attractive “.


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