Two additional F-35s were delivered to Belgium-at the forefront

Two additional F-35s were delivered to Belgium.
The Air & Espace component will soon have all its F-35 intended for the formation of its pilots on the basis of Luke in Arizona in the United States. The Florennes base actually indicated on its Facebook page that the Air & Espace component now had seven F-35. The eighth should be delivered in the coming days. As planned in the deliveries calendar, the first eight F-35 will remain in the United States. The next devices delivered will arrive on Belgian soil and first on the basis of Florennes in the fall of this year. The assembly of the 9th F-35 started 2 weeks ago. The Kleine-Brogel base should receive its first F-35 until 2027.
The work for new infrastructure in Florennes and Kleine-Brogel has started and will be completed on time for the reception of the device in 2025 and 2027. The Air & Espace component aims for an initial operational capacity (IOC) in 2027 and the full capacity (FOC) in 2030. The F-35 will take over from the F-16 from 2028.