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Aix-en-Provence: sirens and alerts on June 30, here’s why

By Jeremy Attali
Published on Jun 22 23 at 11:29

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In Aix-en-Provence and the surrounding area, sirens will be heard on Friday June 30, 2023. (© Illustration / News Marseille)

This Friday, June 30, 2023 in the morning, a siren will be heard in Aix-en-Provence and its surroundings.

In question, a safety drill carried out at the Bimont dam. Here are more details.

Sixteen sirens activated

This Friday, June 30, people in the area of ​​the Bimont dam will receive a notification on their phoneaccompanied by a specific sound signal, even if their mobile is in silent mode.

The 16 sirens of the Bimont dam (fog horn) as well as the sirens of the Alert and Information System (SAIP) will therefore be activated on the morning of Friday 30 June.

Simulation exercise

“This exercise simulates, from a scenario unknown to the participants and in conditions closest to reality, the dam break of Bimont (municipality of Saint-Marc-Jaumegarde), following an exceptional flood”, explains the prefecture of Bouches-du-Rhône on its website.

This will be a civil security exercise and no particular action is not expected from the population. It is even asked not to call the emergency services or the police, so as not to clutter the telephone lines.

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