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Students return to school in prefabricated buildings

Students at the Marcel Pagnol elementary school in Meyzieu, which burned down last June, are resuming the school year in prefabricated buildings. A temporary solution that cost the municipality 250,000 euros.

The students of the Marcel Pagnol elementary school are returning to class this Monday, September 2. A special start to the school year for these children who will spend part of their school year in prefabricated buildings due to the fire at the school last June.

A total of 40 prefabricated buildings were built on land located directly opposite the old school that burned down. This was a temporary solution, put in place in particular to avoid having to distribute the children to other establishments for this school year.

A rehabilitation still long

The installation of these prefabricated buildings cost the municipality of Meyzieu 250,000 euros. The town hall hopes to be able to reopen the school by the end of December. Although a large part of the work has been completed, the rehabilitation of the premises is still expected to take a long time.

Last June, two classrooms were completely destroyed by arson. Two former students, aged 13, filmed themselves ransacking and setting fire to the building.

They were brought before a juvenile judge at the Lyon judicial court on the charge of “deliberate damage by dangerous means” and placed under judicial supervision.

Lauriane Pelao with Sylvain Allemand


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