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Suspect who hit Kamilya in Vallauris released, girl’s father angry

The father of little Kamilya, hit by a motorbike in Vallauris on Thursday, spoke on Facebook the day after the main suspect was charged and placed under judicial supervision.

The father of young Kamilya, who was placed in an artificial coma after being hit by a motorbike in Vallauris on Thursday 29 August, expressed his anger on Facebook on Sunday.

“Thank you French justice. From tomorrow, citizens who have not been arrested in the act know that they can drive as they want, act crazy on the road, kill. No respect for our daughter or for ourselves,” the father lamented on the social network.

No pre-trial detention for the suspect

Its publication comes after the main suspect was released this Saturday. He was charged with involuntary injuries and placed under judicial supervision by the judge of liberties.

However, he was not placed in provisional detention despite the requests of the prosecution, which announced that it would appeal the decision, and the favourable opinion of the investigating judge in charge of the case.

“I don’t believe this was a human decision. I wish I never met him or knew who he was. Horrible,” the girl’s father said in a second Facebook post.

This Saturday, he had already expressed himself on the social network, giving tragic news about his daughter. “Thank you for your support to all. But unfortunately Kamilya will not return to us. The doctors told us that there is no more hope. The blood has not been reaching the brain for a long time,” he announced.

Suffering from head trauma and multiple fractures, Kamilya was evacuated from the scene of the accident in a serious condition and her life prognosis was “very engaged”.


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