DayFR Euro

weather forecast for sunday

Here is the weather forecast established by the General Directorate of Meteorology for Sunday January 26, 2025:

• Quite cold weather on the Atlas, its south-eastern slopes, the Rif and the Oriental Highlands in the morning and at night.

• Fog or mist in the morning and at night over the northern Atlantic plains, the central plains and the northwest of the Saharan provinces.

• Dense low clouds with local drizzle or raindrops possible in the far northwest of the country.

• Clear to partly cloudy skies in general elsewhere.

• Local dust removal in the extreme south of the country.


• Moderate to fairly strong wind gusts over the Rif, the Tangier region and the extreme south of the country.

• Minimum temperature of around -04/03°C in the Atlas, 09/15°C in the southern regions and near the coasts and 04/10°C everywhere else.

• Temperatures rising overall.

• Beautiful to slightly rough seas in the Mediterranean, slightly rough to rough on the Strait, rough to rough north of Tan Tan, and slightly rough to rough south of Tan Tan.


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