Posted on January 24, 2025
Given the rains expected in the coming hours, the oust will get out of his bed. Its level could reach or even exceed 2 meters in Malestroit by Sunday. The prefecture indicates that the oust has just been placed in yellow vigilance and calls for caution:
“The Prefect of Morbihan informs you that the” Vilaine and Breton coastal “flood forecasting service has just placed this day on Friday January 24, 2025, the Oust river in a state of” raw “yellow level (level 2 on a scale of 4).
Hydrological situation of the section:
The Oust watershed is experiencing significant rain, until tomorrow morning, on already high basic levels and saturated soils as a result of the rains at the start of the month and last Wednesday. The levels are on the rise. They should stay until early next week due to the rainy passage on Sunday.
On already high basic levels, flood rise phase continuing during the day and beyond the next 24 hours. It will be the source of the first overflows.
Possible consequences of the event:
The first overflows can be noted. Some rivers may experience a rapid rise in water. Traffic conditions can be made difficult locally.
The condition of the rivers is available on www.vigicrues.gouv.fr
State services are attentive to the current situation and ready to take the necessary measures if necessary.
Corporate instructions to be observed by the population:
-Y you informed of the situation
-Y vigilant if you are near a river or an area usually flooded
--Conform to road signaling
-Rense yourself before you start your trips
-Do you not engage on flooded roads (on foot or by car)
-Evive the most exposed activities on the edge of water »
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