The suspense remains for the succession of Viola Amherd to the Federal Council. Nine days after the announcement of the resignation of the centrist minister, the withdrawals continue, without any candidacy. Would the Department of Defense, in the hands of Valaisanne, play a role in these hesitations?
Officially, the answer is no. The favorites in the center who have declined all mentioned various reasons not to embark on the race: concentration on current mandates, family reasons or simply a lack of envy.
Note also that it is not certain that the Successor of Viola Amherd will resume his files. But this remains very likely: DDPS is often perceived as an unloved department, which the new elected officials recover to the Federal Council. This was the case for Viola Amherd in 2019, but also Guy Parmelin and Ueli Maurer before her. The Vaudois and the Zurich left him as soon as they had the opportunity.
A department that has become important …
Unlike that of energy or finance, the Federal Department of Defense, Protection of Population and Sports is rather monothematic, mainly dealing with military affairs. It has long been considered purring and dusty.
But with the war in Ukraine and the geopolitical situation tense in general, the situation is changing, as evidenced by the rise in the army budget, decided by the Parliament.
… and which has become more exposed
In this context, the DDPS is now more exposed, with many expectations. Like the new American combat aircraft F-35, which should be delivered to Switzerland in 2027, a very sensitive file politically.
In addition, army management is not an easy task, according to observers, some of which qualify it “as a state in the state”.
Suffice to say that the person who will succeed Viola Amherd will have work to do. And it is possible that this dissuades certain candidates, according to several elected officials from the UDC and the PS, contacted by the RTS.
-However, the opinion is not unanimous. The PLR Jacqueline de Quattro, for example, believes on the contrary that it is a chance to take over a department, certainly exposed, but much more prestigious than before: “It has become a key department”, she says.
“All departments have their difficulties”
On the center side, we refute the thesis of the regrowth department. This is the case of Martin Candinas, who was expected, but who gave up, evoking that he had not “sacred fire” for this task.
For the Grison, all departments have their own difficulties. The Federal Department of Justice and Police (DFJP) and migration, the Federal Department of Environment, Transport, Energy and Communication (DETEC) and nuclear energy, or the Federal Department of Affairs foreign (DFAE) and relations with the European Union.
An opinion shared by many of his comrades. Behind the scenes, one of them believes that Viola Amherd cleared the way and that the difficult choices had been made.
Now remains to implement them. And even if the new elected representative was to resume defense without enthusiasm, this person will be able to give him back the next ring road to the Federal Council.
Mathieu Henderson
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