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Door-to-door salesmen: he exploits seniors and collects millions of dollars

A 28-year-old entrepreneur, who made millions by exploiting elderly people in particular with his heating business, has just lost his construction license to prevent him from causing other victims.

• Also read: [VIDÉO] Sale of heat pumps: duped by this fake construction contractor on Facebook

“Sadly, Alexandre Patoine-Nasfi has no qualms about duping customers. […] The accumulation of serious breaches of the law, as well as the common thread of bad faith, leaves no other choice than the cancellation of the license”, decides without hesitation the manager Me Marc-Antoine Oberson.

In its recent decision rendered to the Régie du logement du Québec (RBQ), we learn that Patoine and his colleague Bun Ty Taing are at the head of the company numbered 9367‐1444 Québec inc. This itinerant merchant, specializing in heat pumps and insulation, also does business under the names NovaHabitat or Gestion AP.

Portrait of Bun Ty Taing, a resident of Quebec, who allegedly acted as a nominee within the controversial company NovaHabitat.

Beaugarte Facebook

The Régie first accused them of illegally using Bun Ty Taing as a nominee within the company. This 51-year-old man was professionally trained to have a construction contractor license, unlike Patoine-Nasfi.

“Mr Taing’s version suffers from a fundamental inconsistency. How can he supposedly verify contracts with clients and work monitoring, without, at the very least, knowing the names of the sellers ratifying them? […] Taing is only there to qualify the license,” reveals Me Oberson, while unmasking him.

NovaHabitat lost its construction license this month after, among other things, deceiving and threatening its clients.

Screenshot of the NovaHabitat Facebook page

Police officers helping seniors

Still according to the Régie, Alexandre Patoine-Nasfi’s company received an annual income of up to five million dollars in 2023.

The twenty-year-old from Lévis, who appears on his social networks at the wheel of a luxurious Ferrari, is also the subject of numerous complaints from the public to the RBQ. In particular, he “exploited elderly people” to sell his heating systems at high prices.

The Patoine-Nasfi company carried out “poorly carried out work, at an exaggerated price, while using threats and the use of legal hypothec as a weapon against clients,” according to the RBQ.

Instagram the_canadian_fringe

This is the case of a 71-year-old lady, in Rimouski, who paid $22,000 to NovaHabitat to redo the insulation of her attic in 2023. However, according to an engineer’s report filed with the Régie, this task worth only $6,250 before taxes.

“She understands that she was fooled. She refuses to pay. Nova registers a legal mortgage the next day. She received 18 calls from Nova on March 18, 2024, so much so that she called the police,” relates the Régie document.


On January 17, 2025, a citizen denounced, on Facebook, a NovaHabitat seller in the riding of Bellechasse—Les Etchemins—Lévis.

Facebook Spotted Bellechasse

A similar story happened again in April 2024 in a home in Maniwaki. A couple aged 66 and 59 realized they had been duped into their botched insulation work and refused to pay the company.

“Mr. Patoine is reached by telephone. He accuses the couple of being thieves. In an aggressive tone, he threatens to register a legal mortgage. The police intervene to remove the seller on site,” notes the RBQ.

Portrait of the controversial Alexandre Lachance, an influencer convicted in criminal proceedings in connection with the sale of heat pumps. Mr. Lachance is a former business partner of Alexandre Patoine-Nasfi.

Screenshot of a video posted on the formationotl TikTok account

Note that Alexandre Patoine-Nasfi was already the associate of the influencer and alleged millionaire Alexandre Lachance. THE Journal reported in 2023 that Mr. Lachance was also in trouble with the authorities for running a heat pump company without the necessary permits.

Fake photos of mold

In March 2024, one of the contractor’s traveling salesmen even showed a customer purported photos of his attic. These had mold and fungus.

“We offered a bid for $24,994.99, presenting the value of the work at $40,000. The contract was signed and the work was done immediately. The client later realized that the photos shown were not those of his attic,” explains the manager, denouncing the deception.

The NovaHabitat company boasting of its anti-mold treatment on Facebook.

Facebook of NovaHabitat

Patoine-Nasfi also owns another numbered company, 9419‐1467 Québec inc. This 28-year-old Quebec company was found guilty in 2023 of four criminal charges, including false and misleading representation to customers, under the Consumer Protection Act.

“In addition to other reasons, he is accused of having carried out work without a construction contractor license,” indicates the RBQ.

Our request for an interview with the directors of the company 9367‐1444 Québec inc. remained unanswered on Wednesday.

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