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In , scientists are looking for the culprits of the massacre in the flesh of dolphins – Libération

This Wednesday, January 22, the scarlet blood of dolphins floods the stainless steel autopsy tables. The Pelagis team, an observatory specializing in the study of marine mammals attached to the University of and the CNRS, is looking into the case of two animals that died a few days ago. “They are relatively fresh and very well preserved, we can carry out a necropsy [nom donné aux autopsies d’animaux, ndlr] of maximum level”observes veterinarian Sarah Wund. In a white suit, rubber boots, gloves and mask, the team leader cuts the 1.40m long beast. External examination failed to detect any specific marks that could determine the cause of death.

This investigative work has the gift of raising the hackles of many fishermen. It is partly thanks to Pelagis data that the closure of fishing in the Bay of Biscay was approved by the executive for the winters of 2024, 2025 and 2026. Like last year, from Finistère to the Basque Country, some 300 tricolor vessels of more than eight meters have remained at the dock since Wednesday January 22 and until February 20 in order to


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