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https://www.madaniya.info/ devotes a two-part dossier to the two monarchies with particular responsibilities towards Palestine, Morocco, whose King chairs the Al Quds committee, and Saudi Arabia, in his capacity as guardian of the Holy Places of Islam. These two files are handled by the best specialists in the field, each in their own field.
For Morocco by Anis Balafrej, eminent member of Moroccan pro-Palestinian activism, and son of Ahmed Balafrej, leader of the Al Istiqlal party (Independence), leader of the fight against the French protectorate over Morocco
For Saudi Arabia by Madawi Al Rasheed, Granddaughter of Mohammad Ben Talal Al Rasheed, the last Emir of Hail (Saudi Arabia), internationally recognized specialist in the affairs of the Arabian Peninsula, Madawi Al Rasheed is professor of social anthropology at department of theology and religious studies at King’s College London since 1994.
Morocco in the Arab storm
By Anis Balafrej, engineer, graduate of the École Centrale Paris, eminent member of Moroccan pro-Palestinian activism, Anis Balafrej is the son of Ahmed Balafrej, leader of the Al Istiqlal party (Independence), leader of the fight against the French protectorate on Morocco.
Anis Balafrej is a rmadaniya contributor https://www.madaniya.info
It is clear, today, that by signing the “Pact of Avraham” in 2020, Morocco has placed itself on the wrong side of History, with the genocidal Zionist colonizers and their allies, against justice and Inalienable right of the Palestinian people to independence.
Which can only weaken and serve its position regarding the Sahara, because we cannot be for the Law which justifies our legitimacy in the Sahara and violate this same Law in Palestine.
How did Morocco, vanguard in the emancipation of African peoples against the French policy of assimilation and promoter of the Accra Group in 1958, which led to the Casablanca Conference in 1960, Morocco present at the meeting of the group of Bandoeng in 1955, which was at the origin of the non-aligned movement, Morocco, a fervent defender of the Palestinian Cause, which, from independence in 1956, banned Zionist activities in Morocco including those of the Jewish Agency and the departures of our Jewish fellow citizens to the Hebrew state, Morocco which promulgated a text of law (1) to strip of their Moroccan nationality any citizen of Morocco who enlists in the Zionist army, how has Morocco come to deny today the founding principles of its independence which are non-alignment and its anti-colonialist and anti-Zionist foreign policy?
A slow evolution began in 1960, the day after the dislocation of the Istiqlal Party, the main actor in anti-colonialist policy since 1944, and followed by the sudden death of Mohamed V in February 1961.
It is clear that Zionist activities were redeployed in Morocco following these two events.
The Mossad then the Jewish Agency regained its footing followed by the massive and organized departures of Moroccans of Jewish faith under the discreet supervision of the Moroccan authorities.
Morocco thus lost nearly 3% of its population from 1961 to 1967, to the benefit of the occupier of Palestine, who confined them near the Egyptian, Jordanian and Lebanese borders to serve as cannon fodder.
This decision of the new king has a strategic significance to strengthen the young Zionist entity, in search of Jewish human resources, to be recruited at will.
The new reign therefore begins under the Zionist blessing, strong but discreet.
Which will not prevent the king from displaying pro-Palestinian and pro-Arab positions, from bringing together the Islamic Conference of Rabat in 1969, following the attempted fire of the Al Aqsa mosque, from the Arab Conferences at the Casablanca summit in 1965 and Fez in 1982, recognizing the PLO as the sole representative of the Palestinian people, to send FAR contingents to Egypt and Syria in 1973.
The regime showed a side in symbiosis with the Moroccan people, fervent defenders of the Palestinian cause, which gave it every margin to repress activists of the Palestinian cause and social progress.
Behind the scenes, relations with the Zionist entity were developing and concerned collaboration between secret services and the exchange of information on the opposition, the highlight of which was the assassination of Mehdi Ben Barka in October 1965.
What was the result of this discreet collaboration with the Israeli secret services?
Two attempted military coup d’états came under Mossad’s radar in 1971 and 1972.
The Arab defeat of June 1967 was due to the important and strategic information communicated to the enemy by the Moroccan “mole”.
More generally, the peace policy advocated by Morocco towards the Zionist entity, the secret meetings with Shimon Pérés from 1986 and with other Zionist leaders were based on the royal vision of the alliance between “Arab oil money ” and “Israeli technology” to configure the Middle East and allow Israel to integrate into it.
What about Palestine?
Israel took the opportunity to neutralize two Arab countries on the front – Egypt and Jordan – which signed peace treaties with it and to occupy Lebanon in 1982, the rear base of the Palestinian resistance, which was forced to go into exile. in Tunisia, in Yemen and to form the first nuclei of Hezbollah in Lebanon.
After the failure of Oslo, where the Palestinians were satisfied with 22% of their country to found a state, in what is called the “two-state solution”, it now appears completely unrealistic to envisage peace with the Zionists.
Tofane Al Aqsa, on October 7, clarified the issues:
Israel revealed to the world its true face, the one defined by the founding fathers, including Ben-Gurion, who called himself a socialist: Colonize all of Palestine, drive its Arab population beyond the borders if not exterminate it, establish “peace ” with the Arab countries, a peace of domination, because Zionist aims do not stop in Palestine.
-This view is not only that of the Zionist far right but of a broad spectrum of the political class.
The Knesset recently voted, right and left together, by a large majority, to refuse the establishment of a Palestinian state in part of Palestine.
To the Arab leaders who feed their people with illusions and “two-state solutions” and “support for the Palestinian people”, who do you want to make peace with? With those who colonize all of Palestine and want to exterminate its people or drive them out?
In this case, the “peace” you are signing is that of Ben-Gurion and Netanyahu.
It must be announced clearly!
This is unfortunately the path Morocco has embarked on, by signing the “Avraham Accords” and a military alliance with the Zionist enemy.
In the midst of the genocide in Gaza, Moroccan-“Israeli” relations continue and the Zionist liaison office in Rabat has just reopened this August.
This considerably worsens the divide between power and the people.
Contrary to what some zealous civil servants and paid intellectuals propagate, the Moroccan people are fundamentally attached to the values of Islam and Arabism as well as unwavering support for the Palestinian cause.
It was the Amazigh dynasties that Islamized and Arabized Morocco. Its population is mainly Amazigh with Arab, sub-Saharan African and Andalusian contributions forming one and the same people, Muslim, with a Jewish minority.
These people challenged colonialism and defeated it, when they wanted to divide it between Amazigh and Arab through the “Berber Dahir” in 1930.
In the eyes of France, the Amazighs are not true Muslims; they can therefore be Christianized and removed from the legal power of the Sultan.
By propagating ethnicist and racist ideas, Israel claims that the Moroccan people are not Arab, that their Judeo-Amazigh component predisposes them to leave the Arab-Muslim sphere.
The same patterns led to the breakup of Sudan and the establishment of a Kurdish republic in Iraq.
Morocco is at a crossroads.
What place does it want to have in the world of tomorrow?
Does it want to remain under American-Israeli hegemony even if it means losing its independence and seeing its room for political and economic maneuver shrink like a stone?
So having to face a large and inevitable popular resistance to combat social inequalities, arbitrariness, corruption, the absence of democracy and the new rampant Zionist colonization.
Or does it want to safeguard its independence and a certain margin of maneuver which allows it to better defend its interests in a multipolar world where American hegemony is in full decline?
This courageous choice requires strengthening the domestic front through an advanced social policy and the establishment of freedoms, the separation of powers and the establishment of an independent justice system.
These are the reforms that Mohamed V and the Istiqlal Party had committed to carrying out since the advent of independence in 1956 and which remained a dead letter.
With these reforms, the internal autonomy plan for the Sahara becomes credible, easily applicable and will definitively seal its status at the same time as it will mark the beginning of an era of progress and unity in the Maghreb.
Everything contributes to this last choice. The current major global upheavals, the rise of China, soon to be the world’s largest economy, leading the BRICS countries, and the creation of an investment and development bank that depends on it, the de-dollarization of trade, the failure of NATO in Ukraine against Russia, the impasse of Israel and the United States in the face of Palestinian and Lebanese resistance, which constitutes, in fact, a strategic defeat of their policy in the Middle East, all of this must be taken into account for reevaluate Morocco’s strategy and focus it on the higher interests of Morocco and the Arab Cause and to change course to respond positively to the calls and cries of broad movements of the Moroccan people.
(1) Rule 1-58-250
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