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Le Sou des écoles provides support to Mayotte

Briennon. Le Sou des écoles provides support to the children of Mayotte. Tuesday, January 14, the members of the Sou public schools, grouped around Bertrand Sayet, gathered to program upcoming events.

Pizza sales will be renewed in February. A dance evening, planned for Saturday March 8, should allow families to meet and talk around a giant paella. The organization of another festive event has been scheduled for Friday June 20 near the multipurpose room as part of the music festival.

A gift of €1,500


Sensitive to the natural disaster that devastated Mayotte in mid-December 2024, representatives of Sou des écoles agreed to show their solidarity and provide financial assistance to the Mahorais. However, not wishing to allocate a sum coming from the result of local events intended exclusively for the children of the school, those present at the meeting unanimously agreed to pay the Fondation de a sum of €1,500, coming from the interest received during of the last two financial years by the banking organization managing the association's accounts.



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