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Travail is banking on a cargo bike to get closer to job seekers

The initiative is announced as “a national first”. A cargo bike was made available to the Travail agency in , located in the Fourriers park. It was used for the first time on Tuesday January 20 during a service held by the public establishment (formerly Pôle emploi), in the Petit- district, in this case at the Ferreira space. Cerca.

A site which was not chosen at random, because it is included in the perimeter of the priority districts of the city's policy. “The objective is to offer one permanence per month,” indicates Franck Kalfon, director of the France Travail agency in Rochefort.

In addition to the return of the cargo bike piloted by an advisor, a second employee of the agency will be present at the France Services house (20, avenue Paule-Maraux) during the next meeting, scheduled for February 13 between 9 30 p.m. and 12 p.m.

“In the spirit of the times”

The goal “is to develop proximity, to be closer to the residents of the neighborhood by establishing our presence”. The challenge: to be well informed on the questions asked by job seekers, RSA beneficiaries, but also a wider public who will be able to “obtain offers, be supported in creating businesses”, relaunches Franck Kalfon which likens the cargo bike to a “mobile agency” modeled on a comparable initiative carried out in the nautical sector in “which is in tune with the times”.


Beyond the offices in the Petit-Marseille district, the tool will be used for one-off events: such as January 30 at the Naval Aviation Museum for an action on jobs in aeronautics.

The cargo bike is also expected at the time of “the wave of seasonal jobs”, scheduled from March 10 to 28 in the department with several highlights in Rochefort, like the waiters' race. It will also be used during company visits or rallies.



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