It took on water last September, it should be permanently repaired at the start of the next school year. The Seine-Saint-Denis departmental council confirmed this Wednesday that waterproofing work on the roof of the Romain-Rolland college in Clichy-sous-Bois will take place this summer. “The forecast schedule is respected,” supports the community in a press release.
There were so many leaks during the bad weather in September 2024 that the establishment was closed and classes organized remotely, while emergency repairs were carried out.
The summer break will therefore make it possible to completely redo the waterproofing of the college's roof, as well as the false ceilings. The scale of the work did not allow it to be carried out at any other time, the college having since resumed normal activity.
But water infiltration continued in certain places, sometimes for months. “There are still leaks in a few rooms: the infirmary, two classrooms, etc.,” reports Olivier Klein’s entourage (DVG). And there are also heating problems. »
-The mayor of Clichy-sous-Bois visited the site ten days ago with the departmental services. “He is involved in ensuring that things move forward, as he stepped up to the plate several months ago so that the Department does not neglect the work over time,” explains the municipality.
For this work, which will partly begin in April, Seine-Saint-Denis is putting on the table a budget of 1.8 million euros. They are in addition to the 150,000 euros already spent to resolve the most urgent waterproofing problems during the year.
In total, the Department is investing a billion euros through its eco-college plan, adopted at the end of 2020 to renovate the establishments under its responsibility. And this “despite a largely insufficient State allocation and below the national average, as highlighted by the Court of Auditors”, recalls the community in its press release.
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