DayFR Euro

strongly condemns the resumption of violence in the (…)

Mr President,

I would like to thank the Special Representative of the Secretary-General, Mr. Carlos Ruiz Massieu, for his presentation. I welcome the presence among us of the Colombian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Luis Gilberto Murillo, and I would also like to thank Mr. Diego Tovar, signatory of the Peace Agreement and former FARC combatant, as well as Mr. Armando Valbuena, for their interventions.

Mr President,

welcomes the commitment of the Colombian government to the implementation of the Peace Agreement. The presence of President Petro last July and the Colombian participation at ministerial level in each meeting of this Council testify to this commitment at the highest level. These efforts must be encouraged and supported. In this regard, France welcomes the unanimous renewal of the mandate of the United Nations Verification Mission last October. This is a strong signal of unity from the members of this Council in support of the Colombian authorities.

France also welcomes the launch by Colombia on November 30 of its action plan relating to the “Women, peace and security” agenda.

These government commitments must now translate into concrete changes for the benefit of the population. This implies an acceleration of the implementation of the Peace Agreement, with the rapid response plan as presented by the Colombian authorities to this Council last October. In this regard, I will emphasize four points:

1. Inter-institutional coordination is key to accelerating progress. We hope that this will materialize through strengthened coordination within the framework of clearly defined responsibilities as indicated in point 6 of the rapid response plan.


2. The reduction of violence and the increased presence of the State throughout the territory are essential factors for the full implementation of the Peace Agreement. France welcomes the efforts of the Colombian government to continue dialogue with armed groups, with the support of the Special Representative's good offices mission. France strongly condemns the resumption of violence in Catatumbo, which involves armed groups, and which has caused more than 100 victims and thousands of displaced people. She calls on these armed groups to immediately stop their violent actions. Ceasefire agreements must be able to guarantee the security of former combatants and communities affected by violence. Children are the first victims: armed groups must release recruited children and put an end to these practices contrary to international law. France welcomes the Colombian government's commitment to children's rights and encourages it to strengthen its efforts to reintegrate children who have been recruited by armed groups.

3. Transitional justice plays a crucial role in the path to reconciliation. Progress has been made under the auspices of the Special Jurisdiction for Peace. I am thinking of the indictment last November of six former leaders of the FARC for recruitment of children into their ranks, as well as the conduct since November 2023 of investigations targeting acts of sexual and gender-based violence. In this regard, I would like to welcome Colombia's hosting of the last Conference of the Alliance for the Prevention of Conflict-Related Sexual Violence, in November 2024. The dialogue between the parties must continue so that the justice process transition continues to advance. We must create the conditions for the full implementation of restorative sentences once they have been imposed.

4. Agrarian reform is a central pillar for the development of a country that is currently 94% rural. France, the “accompanying country” of Chapter I of the Peace Agreement relating to comprehensive rural reform, welcomes the progress made and continues to provide all its political and financial support to the Colombian government in this area.

Mr President,

France reaffirms its full support for the Special Representative and the United Nations Verification Mission in their efforts on the ground as well as for Colombia in its journey towards lasting peace.

Thank you.


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