In a small Italian village in Tuscany, the story of Valentina, a 42-year-old waitress, and her companion Giacomo, a 43-year-old pizza maker, surprised everyone around them. On January 15, their lives changed with the birth of their daughter Michela, as recounted in Corriere Fiorentino.
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“It’s not a virus”
For several months, Valentina had been suffering from symptoms: a stomach that seemed to be swelling and digestive problems. Doctors had considered gluten intolerance, but the tests had been postponed. Nothing had alerted the couple, especially since Valentina had an irregular menstrual cycle. Also, during the pregnancy, the baby made no perceptible movement in his mother's womb.
-Everything changed on the night of Tuesday January 14 to Wednesday January 15. Around 2 a.m., Valentina felt violent nausea and abdominal pain. Giacomo, worried, went to the pharmacy to get medicine for what he thought was a seasonal flu. But on the way back, Valentina told him: “It’s not a virus, I’m about to give birth.” »
Telephone help
In shock, Giacomo witnessed the improvised birth in their room. “This little body came out on its own, with the umbilical cord attached, without making any noise,” he told our colleagues. The father was guided by telephone before help arrived. The child and his mother were then transported to Lucca hospital.
The family also received support from their neighbors, who were quick to lend clothes for the newborn because of course nothing was ready to welcome a baby. Today, mother and daughter are doing well.
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