After the firefighters, it is the turn of the CHU unions to step up to the plate. The UTS-UGTG in turn denounces the dysfunctions of the adult emergency department and the congestion which results in particular from the lack of professionals.
A long line of SDIS ambulances waiting in front of the Guadeloupe University Hospital emergency room… The video of distraught and angry firefighters has made the rounds on social networks.
The UTS-UGTG (The Union of Health Workers affiliated to the UGTG) sent an open letter to the director of the ARS, Laurent Legendart, to the president of the CHUG Supervisory Board, Guy Losbar, to the general director of the CHUG, Éric Guyader, and to the president of the CME, Establishment Medical Commission, Pascal Blanchet, to alert on the situation of adult emergencies at the Guadeloupe University Hospital.
The service has been saturated since the end of year holidays. A situation made worse by the current flu epidemic. The union counted up to 15 fire engines waiting outside the establishment last Friday (January 17). This is too much for the UTS which is now asking why the regulatory crisis procedure has still not been triggered. The emergency rooms, which usually welcome between 90 and 100 patients per day, now record nearly 120 daily visits.
-For Brigitte Amacin, secretary of the health section at the UGTG, several factors explain the saturation of the emergency department and more generally the lack of hospital beds:
- Lack of doctors: Four emergency doctors left the service and were not replaced.
- Situation of contract workers: A precariousness which disrupts the stability of the teams.
- Back-up general practitioners: On-call duty is often provided by general practitioners or interns without direct supervision.
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