Dakar, Jan 21 (APS) – The new director general of the National Agency for Applied Scientific Research (ANRSA), Lamine Sané, intends to implement innovative coordination mechanisms and frameworks, with a view to greater valorization of research results integrating more concretely aspects linked to development issues.
The National Agency for Applied Scientific Research “must be a powerful instrument for promoting research results to address the problems facing the Senegalese in the industrial, agricultural, medical, digital fields, among others,” said its new general director, researcher in digital technologies.
“Beyond the limited field of applied scientific research”, the National Agency for Applied Scientific Research “will have to adapt to current requirements by concretely integrating the development aspect of research and technological innovation” , underlined Lamine Sané, quoted in a note sent to the APS.
In this context, he promises to “contribute, in collaboration with the supervisory authority and the actors of the applied scientific research ecosystem, to the reforms of the national research system and particularly to the new orientations of the ANRSA adapted to the ambitions of the Vision 2050”, the new framework for public policies.
Lamine Sané aims to put in place “innovative coordination mechanisms and frameworks between players in the sector”, in line with his mission as coordinator of applied scientific research, saying he is aware of “the strategic importance and the enormous challenges of the “ANRSA in the socio-economic development of our country in a context marked by the imperative of a new development model”.
The new director of ANRSA, a native of Kaolack (center), taught at the Institute of Applied Sciences and Technology (INSAT) where he was director of studies before his appointment to the Council of Ministers.
He completed his higher education at the faculty of science and technology at the Cheikh Anta DIOP University of Dakar (UCAD), where he obtained a bachelor’s degree in physics, chemistry, material sciences in 2012, then a master’s degree in applied physics. in 2014.
Lamine Sané then obtained, in 2015, a master’s degree in engineering sciences, computer science option, modeling and simulation of complex systems at the Ecole supérieure polytechnique de l’UCAD, before completing a doctorate in telecommunications in 2020 .
-His work, on the subject “Adaptive multi-band miniature antennas for future 5G networks”, has been endorsed by around ten scientific publications.
Mr. Sané, who has not yet taken office as director general of the National Agency for Applied Scientific Research, proposed, as part of his work, “an innovative approach in the design of intelligent antennas for fifth generation mobile networks.
He was actively involved, during the preparation of his thesis, in scientific animation, through the coordination of young researchers at the ESP of which he was successively the secretary general, the president then the person in charge of external relations.
He has worked as a teacher in electronics, telecommunications and networks in several public and private higher education establishments in Senegal since 2016.
In 2021, as part of the European student exchange program “Erasmus”, he carried out a postdoctoral research stay at the Information Processing and Telecommunications Center of the Polytechnic University of Madrid, Spain.
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