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Taxing well-off retirees: the proposal from the Minister of Labor divides, Matignon tempers: News

On the set of the TF1 morning show, Tuesday January 21, the Minister of Labor and Employment Astrid Panosyan-Bouvet said she was in favor of a tax on pensions to finance a branch of social protection. A proposal that divides the political class.

Tuesday January 21, the Minister responsible for Labor and Employment, Astrid Panosyan-Bouvet, put forward a line of thought to finance the autonomy branch of social protection. According to her, the financing of this branch “burdens too much” to businesses and workers. “There are different taxes and contributions that could be considered on retirees who can afford it […] depending on the pension level”. She continues further “it could be 2000 euros, it could be 2500”she says on TF1. A divisive proposition.

A “personal proposal” from the minister according to Matignon

For the boss of Medef, Patrick Martin, “if everyone must contribute to the war effort, […] why not indeed.” A measure which could, according to him, be effective “temporarily, in a targeted manner […] by distributing the effort in an equitable manner.he says on BFMTV. An untenable position for the National Rally (RN) deputy Laurent Jacobelli. “It’s no!” he says on the BFMTV set. “They didn’t steal from anyone, they worked all their lives, we don’t have to ask them for additional effort”believes the far-right MP. Same story with the Macronist deputy Mathieu Lefèvre who wrote “Three times no!”on X.

On the Matignon side, we are tempering Astrid Panosyan-Bouvet’s proposal. The entourage of François Bayrou evokes a “personal proposal” of the Minister of Labor. The latter, who explained that this measure would perhaps affect “40% of retirees”would only relate to “retirees who can afford it”. “Let us stop seeing retirees as a homogeneous group”she declared on the morning set “Bonjour!”. On Sunday January 19, the government also defended the idea of ​​working seven more hours for free to fill the social security coffers.


published on January 21 at 10:06 p.m., Gabriel Gadré, 6Médias



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