In a mountain town in Lower Valais, a man and a woman in their thirties are accused of child abuse against their four children aged under twelve. The couple, arrested in December shortly before the holidays, was placed in preventive detention, underlines The Nouvelliste the origin of this information.
“It would be a question in particular of child pornography, incest, sexual acts with minors and violation of the duty of assistance towards a child,” notes the Valais daily, to which the Valais Public Prosecutor’s Office confirmed the opening of proceedings against these people. Child pornography material exchanged on the darknet would be at the origin of the arrest of the two accused, who benefit at this stage from the presumption of innocence.
The arrest of these parents, from families in the region, created “a shock wave” in the village concerned, including The Nouvelliste withheld the name to protect the alleged victims, who were minors.
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