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In Morlaix, the association of Petty Officers of North Finistère in general assembly

Like any army corps, the French Navy relies on a real “backbone”, the non-commissioned officers, otherwise called Petty Officers within the Royal Navy and which brings together second-masters, masters, principal masters and majors. Once their career is over, some continue to serve and become members of an association, such as that of the Marine Officers of the Bay of Morlaix, which has more than a hundred members. On January 19, as a preamble to their general assembly, President Jean-Luc Chantrel recalled the various patriotic representations in which the section participated.

Call for registrations of retired or active sailors

He also insisted on the continuation of the fight for the recognition of former sailors victims of asbestos, specifying that “it is recommended to undergo medical monitoring with a scanner ordered by the pensions office or by a treating doctor”.

The future of the National Federation of Petty Officers (FNOM), like that of the Association du -Finistère (AOM29N), was of course raised by the members, who would welcome the increase in their effective, with the registration of former or active sailors living in the territory.



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