Melvin Moya
Published on
Jan 20, 2025 at 6:07 p.m.
It's rare to have an easy lunch with your own mayor. However, in La Réole (Gironde), it has been possible for a year. Councilor of the city located in Gironde since 2014, Bruno Marty took on this challenge with the desire to speak out for everyone with the launch of “Invite your mayor”.
111 invitations for the year 2024
“Going to see people allows you to hear them and carry their voice,” he agrees. In total, he honored 111 invitations during this first year. “I did everything, breakfast, lunch, evening meal, a walk, alone or with others, etc…”
Invite your mayor: how does it work?
For a year, residents of La Réole have had the opportunity to reserve a slot to meet their mayor, Bruno Marty. The system is a little simpler, reservations being made on the Internet. First, it is possible to make an appointment by scanning a simple QR Code found on posters. Even easier, by reserving a date and filling out a form on this Google calendar. You will receive a confirmation email and a call to confirm the appointment. If you wish, the mayor can be accompanied by another elected official.
The mayor even had to increase the number of slots available to meet high demand. At the beginning, “it was two to three times a week, it almost became four to seven meetings a week. » He hopes for the same pace for the year 2025.
Beyond the number of meetings, it was above all the exchanges that marked him. “We are in a position of listening. Being truly heard is sometimes a lot for people. » The much less formal setting than a simple meeting in the mayor's office helps with a more frank discussion.
-Make residents active in the city
The interview of approximately one hour allows you to address all themes surrounding the life of the municipality, except politics. “Two thirds of the people I meet talk first about their personal problems before talking about problems in the municipality. »
In addition to collecting his valuable testimonies, Bruno Marty takes advantage of his wanderings in his city to note improvements to be made.
Its reports are then transmitted to its services which try to respond to the problems more or less quickly depending on the emergencies. Invite your mayor also led to several ideas: neighborhood meals initiated by newcomers; the provision of the Réole swimming pool between 12 p.m. and 2 p.m. for the association of Nageurs du Réolais; the creation of several associations, such as 1000 smiles, Anima Regula, and finally the launch in a few months of a market at Place de la Libération. “I want to make residents active in the city,” summarizes the mayor.
A popular device among elected officials
Invite your mayor, adopt your mayor, meetings in a more familiar setting between elected officials and citizens have been increasing for several years. “We tend to spend more time on administration, when the main thing is people,” says Bruno Marty. This erases the distance between elected officials and their constituents, while maintaining respect. » Convinced of the interest of his initiative, the mayor does not wish to change anything, hoping to meet even more citizens than in 2024.
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