Terrena, a cooperative of farmers based in Deux-Sèvres, signs a partnership agreement with the National Guard. Created in 2016 in response to the attacks, the National Guard brings together 84,000 reservists: French citizens from civil society, with or without military or police experience, who devote part of their time to the defense of the nation.
The latter receive specific training and training in order to provide temporary reinforcement to the armed forces. They are then entrusted with operational or support missions in France or abroad.
Thirteen days of availability
Through this agreement, Terrena wishes to facilitate the commitment of its reservist collaborators by offering them great availability to carry out the missions entrusted by the National Guard. It regulates the number of days of availability, set at 13 per year per employee, the notice conditions and the maintenance of part of the remuneration.
-This initiative also meets the objectives of doubling operational reserves desired by Emmanuel Macron and described in the Military Programming Law or the Orientation and Programming Law of the Ministry of the Interior. Terrena becomes the first French agricultural group to engage in this dynamic.
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