The complaint, the author of which the AMP does not disclose, specifically concerned the call for tenders for professional architectural services launched by the City at the beginning of September. She argued that the process put forward by the City of Gatineau made it impossible for a potential bidder to be competitive.
The City specifies that the complainant claimed that the process was invalid because professionals who participated in the pre-project stage could participate in the call for tenders, because the visual of the project already presented seemed to demonstrate a very advanced conceptual advancement on an architectural level. The complainant also criticized the excessively high value of the score given to the price according to the established formula.
The City of Gatineau was asked to withdraw the possibility for professionals who participated in the drafting of the functional and technical program during the preliminary project stage to submit a bid to the call for tenders.
The AMP deemed the complaint admissible and suspended the tender process on November 28. The process was still suspended on January 16, when The Law formulated his questions to the AMP. The body finally made its decision the next day, last Friday, shortly before noon.
The complaint was dismissed and the suspension of the tender process was lifted. The tender process for professional architectural services was therefore able to continue its normal course.
“Since November 28, when the complaint was received and the call for tenders process was suspended, Gatineau has collaborated with the AMP by answering questions and providing the requested information,” said the communications department Friday afternoon. The City also participated in meetings to clarify information and issued addenda to modify the deadline for receiving offers.”
-The opening of tenders must take place on January 29.
In the meantime, the tender processes for professional services in civil engineering structures, mechanical and electrical engineering, as well as for LEED building expertise, were able to continue their normal course. These contracts have already been awarded at the end of 2024.
The City specifies that it is currently difficult to assess the impact caused by the delay in awarding the contract for professional architectural services. “Gatineau hopes that this additional delay can be made up during the completion of the project,” the communications department was told. Everything can be analyzed with the successful bidder following the award of the contract.”
As of April 2024, the West Sports Complex project was estimated to cost $225 million. It must include four NHL-sized ice rinks accompanied by 300-seat stands and six locker rooms.
Built on three floors, the complex must also include two double gymnasiums, a multi-purpose room and a three-lane running track. The roof of the building must also be used to accommodate other sports facilities which remain to be determined.
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