“As president of the LR federation of Paris, I call on all Parisian elected officials from our political family, as well as our allies from the right and the center, to come together as soon as possible to create the conditions for victory ”, declares the senator and head of the LR federation of the capital, in an interview with the newspaper Le Figaro.
“In my eyes, Rachida Dati is best placed”adds Agnès Evren, vice-president of the Republicans, attacking the “catastrophic outcome” of the outgoing socialist mayor Anne Hidalgo, in charge of the capital for ten years.
“Paris has lost 200,000 inhabitants in ten years, the middle classes are fleeing, the city is considered dirty, dangerous, stressful and concrete (…), and municipal finances are asphyxiated by an abysmal debt of nine billion euros…”, lists the elected official on the right.
Her call to rally behind the current Minister of Culture does not commit the entire Union Capitale group, the leading opposition force to the Paris Council, which she co-chairs alongside LR Geoffroy Boulard and the former Horizons MP Pierre-Yves Bournazel. The latter does not hide his ambitions for the 2026 election.
“One year before the municipal elections, I hope that Union Capital will hear my call”, adds the senator, while the right is scattered into three groups at the Paris Council.
The Capital Union group (22 elected officials including a large majority from LR) was formed this summer “to foreshadow a large gathering, beyond our political family”, indicates Agnès Evren.
-“We will meet soon to organize this unit and work on the project,” she told AFP.
The creation of Union Capitale had emptied by half the Changer Paris group (19 elected officials) led by Ms. Dati, the mayor of the 7th arrondissement.
Senator LR Francis Szpiner created his own LR and centrist group (13 elected officials), disagreeing with the rapprochement imposed by the Minister of Culture with the presidential majority.
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