Whether you are a culture, leisure or entertainment lover, this week promises many ideas for outings for all tastes in the department
As I imagine
“As I imagine” is a photographic exhibition presented by the artist Pixeliums in Castelsarrasin. His colorful and innovative photos of Dubai and the Calanques offer a unique artistic vision of urban art and nature. A feast for the eyes, this exhibition runs from January 20 and offers an opportunity to discover the talent of a local photographer.
Escape Game: the 7 keys of Lauzerte
Adventure lovers, the outdoor escape game “The 7 keys of Lauzerte” is the ideal event. Explore the medieval city, find the 7 keys corresponding to the ancient fortified gates and experience an extraordinary adventure. This game promises intense sessions of manipulation, deduction and orientation for an immersive experience in Lauzerte.
The West, The Real by Sam Shepard
The theater is in the spotlight with the play “The West, The True by Sam Shepard” featuring a gripping thriller between two brothers with antagonistic characters. This dramatic comedy will offer an evening filled with action, suspense and captivating theatrical performances in Montauban.
-The real West
For comedy lovers, the Apodis Troupe offers a revisit of Feydeau's “Un fil à la patte”. Under the sparkling direction of Jean-Yves Pagès, this comedy of intrigue and misunderstandings promises a hilarious and energetic evening at Le Causé.
A thread on the leg by the Apodis Troupe
{{ info_5 }} The cultural, leisure and theatrical events offered this week in the Tarn-et-Garonne department promise a variety of outings for locals and visitors. Whether you're passionate about photography, outdoor adventure, theater or comedy, there's something for everyone. This diversity reflects the dynamism of the region in terms of activities and events, reminding us that there is always something to discover and do in Tarn-et-Garonne.
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