In execution of the High Instructions of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, the services of the Ministry of the Interior have mobilized, alongside all the ministries and administrations concerned and the various stakeholders, to take emergency measures which consist of a global mobilization of all logistical means and human resources, with a view to providing support and assistance to citizens so that they can cope with the cold spell experienced by several regions of the Kingdom.
In this regard, the Walis of the regions and governors of the provinces concerned were called upon to mobilize in order to monitor developments in the situation, coordinate intervention operations and take the necessary proactive and preventive measures, through a series of actions aimed at lightening the burden on the population, in execution of High Royal Instructions, indicates the Ministry of the Interior in a press release.
In this context, a steering and monitoring center was set up at the level of the Ministry of the Interior, as well as provincial monitoring and monitoring commissions, within the framework of the national plan developed in title of the current 2024-2025 winter season, marked by new features mainly relating to the expansion of the base of targeted douars, which now includes 185 additional douars, while paying particular attention to the populations of the affected areas by the earthquake and floods that the Kingdom recently experienced.
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-This plan targets a total population estimated at nearly 872,778 inhabitants, grouped into 169,134 households and residing in 2,014 douars which fall under 241 territorial communes at the level of 28 prefectures and provinces. In this momentum of mobilization, the Ministry of the Interior, via its central and provincial services, and all the departments and services concerned, worked to strengthen the capacity for intervention depending on the circumstances, through a series of measures relating to the monitoring and continuous evaluation of the situation on the ground, the guarantee of the normal supply of the regions concerned with basic necessities and various means of heating, as well as the mobilization of the necessary machinery near the threatened routes cutoff in the concern to guarantee opening up, in addition to the organization of distribution operations of food aid, blankets and firewood to targeted categories in the provinces concerned.
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It is also a matter of ensuring immediate interventions for populations in critical and emergency situations, of working to guarantee the continuity of the connection of the areas concerned to the road and telephone networks, and of ensuring the supply and the distribution of livestock feed in the affected regions. The Ministry of the Interior also reaffirms the global mobilization of all the services and authorities concerned, in execution of the High Instructions of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, may God help him, to lighten the burden weighing on the population and provide them with all forms of support and assistance necessary to deal with possible damage that may be caused by bad weather conditions, while mobilizing all the means and resources necessary to ensure the safety of citizens and their property .
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