DayFR Euro

Caroline Désir (PS): “We will not bring the N-VA into government”

Caroline Désir, federal deputy for the PS, was a guest on Bonjour Bruxelles.

This is the home stretch for the Arizona negotiations. “We will judge on the evidence“, indicates Caroline Désir. However, she indicates that the PS “already has a negative a priori“, because Arizona wants “focus the effort on workers, the middle class and pensioners“. An idea that she considers “unfair“.

For Caroline Désir, a budgetary effort is necessary: ​​“We are not against“. But we would have to reach the big estates.

Caroline Desirefederal deputy for the PS, at the microphone of Fabrice Grosfilley

Is the MR still a good partner with the arrival of activists from ‘Chez nous’, the French-speaking far-right? “We see a series of dikes collapsing“, indicates Caroline Désir. According to her, the MR justifies this arrival “as they can“. “The MR follows a global movement out of pure electoral opportunism.”


The PS and the MR can still work together, particularly in Ixelles: “There are plenty of people at MR who are very friendlys”.

Concerning the Brussels government, Caroline Désir confirms the refusal of the PS to enter into negotiations with the N-VA: “We will not bring the N-VA into government“. However, she encourages David Leisterh, trainer for the MR, to continue negotiations to find a majority. “There are other options.



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