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The cold snap causes a delay in the growth of red fruits and impacts the livestock

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The climate is particularly capricious for the agricultural sector. After the extreme summer heat, currently, it is the winter cold that puts certain plants to the test and encourages breeders to increase the feeding of their livestock. On the other hand, trees in the Rosaceae family get away with it.

According to the Regional Meteorological Directorate, a cold wave hit several regions of the Kingdom, from Tuesday January 12 to Friday January 17. Climatic conditions which persist in several provinces, particularly in the northern part, where agriculture occupies an important place.

To start on a good note, the rosaceae sector (apricot trees, peach trees, almond trees, plum trees, etc.) adapts quite well to winter temperatures. According to the Provincial Directorate of Agriculture of Sefrou, where snowfall was expected, “rosaceae go dormant and the more they are exposed to cold, the better their flowering will be. Optimal flowering leads to a better yield for the following year.

On the contrary, les vergers of lawyers do not benefit from the cold and even less from the frost. “The cold snap obviously causes damage to the orchards,” regrets Abdellah Elyamlahi, president of the Morocco Avocado Association (MAVA). Indeed, the majority of the 7,500 hectares of productive avocados of the country extend from Larache to Kénitra, via Moulay Bousselham.

Agricultural areas where winter is often harsh. “You can see the effect on the fruit when it is affected by frost. It hardens and does not ripen, even if its color which turns black gives the impression of it. It therefore becomes unfit for consumption. This is particularly true for operators who do not have anti-freeze devices (anti-freeze blankets or canvases, editor’s note)”, continues our interlocutor.

Cold weather can also have significant impacts on greenhouse crops, although these structures are designed to protect plants from external conditions. In the Gharb region, the cold is not as intense as in agricultural areas further north, but that does not mean that crops are spared, like red fruits.

This sector occupies an area of ​​12,500 hectares. The geographical distribution of this surface area is as follows:

– 7.290 ha in the Gharb;

– 4.960 ha, distributed between Souss Massa and Dakhla.


A shift in the production cycle

Soft fruits require warm temperatures (generally between 20 and 25°C) for optimal growth. Lower temperatures, even in a greenhouse, can slow photosynthesis, delaying fruit development. Contacted by Médias24, Amine Bennani, president of the Moroccan Association of Red Fruit Producers, claims to have observed “a delay in the ripening of all red fruits due to the cold, without exception”.

And added: “This situation disrupts the cycle and delays production.” Are there any solutions possible to reduce the effect of the cold? “There are solutions for heating greenhouses. But they are too expensive,” he laments.

Even if the temperatures are not freezing in the Souss, the cold at this time of year is also problematic there, for tomatoes too. “It presents risks of slowing down the tomato production cycle and therefore postponing the harvest,” warns Abdelaziz Maânaoui, president of the Chtouka Producers Association (ACPA).

Regarding the livestock nationally, it has genetic predispositions which grant it a certain immunity against falling temperatures. “The national herd is made up of local breeds which have developed a certain adaptation to climatic conditions, unless it involves extreme cold conditions,” said Jaouad Zemamou, pastoral engineer.

“Nevertheless, difficulties in supplying regular food are encountered due to snow or extreme cold, especially due to road closures due to snow, in mountain areas. Therefore, strengthening the diet is necessary.

“We must increase rations for livestock during the winter period, especially given the current degraded state of the rangelands due to recurring droughts. We are in a period of scarcity where the breeder is required to bear additional feed costs,” concludes our interlocutor.

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