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Pontarlier. The Jacques Becker Ciné-Club is looking for witnesses to the film Les Granges Brûlées – : all the local information


The filming of the film from December 1972 to February 1973 in Haut-, more particularly in La Chaux and Pontarlier, is still remembered by residents, for its impact on French society but also for the immense spotlight on the territory at the time.

With this call, the objective of the Ciné-Club is to collect testimonies and anecdotes in order to animate the two broadcasts of the film by Jean Chapot and Alain Delon, on January 28 at 6:30 p.m. and 9 p.m. After the first screening, those who notified the cinema will be able to tell their little stories and anecdotes about the filming of the film. “We already have six people, some live far away today. We are currently looking into being able to broadcast them via video. »explains Patrick Colle, president of the Ciné-Club Jacques Becker. “We will also have Pierre Jouille, landscaper who scouts locations for films shot in our region. He has a lot to tell.”


The film was released in May 1973 with music by Jean-Michel Jarre, which has become legendary. A success with more than a million admissions, featuring two of the monsters of the French 7th art with Alain Delon and Simone Signoret. “It’s almost a documentary on what life was like in Franche-Comté and Haut-Doubs at the time. »enthuses Patrick Colle. This broadcast is part of a series of films called “heritage”scheduled for the year.

Practical information: to contact the Ciné Club Jacques Becker: [email protected] / +33 3 81 69 12 63.


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