DayFR Euro

traffic restrictions extended once again

The pollution episode persists in the Rhône and the metropolis of . “PM10 concentrations still remain high in the Rhône and the metropolis of Lyon. The Prefect maintains the measures for the day of Monday January 20.”

In addition, since the night from Saturday to Sunday, a persistent burning smell has invaded the air, causing irritation to the eyes and throats of many residents. This olfactory nuisance is linked to a fire that occurred on the Suez Recyclage et Valorisation site in Feyzin, an installation classified for environmental protection (ICPE).

However, according to the prefecture, this would not have had an impact on pollution: “At present and after analyses, the first measurements do not indicate toxicity.”

So, this Monday, differentiated circulation is therefore extended. In this sense, only vehicles with a Crit'Air sticker 0, 1 or 2 will be able to circulate within the Low Emission Zone (ZFE) of the Lyon Metropolis.


Certain exemptions still apply, in particular for cars carrying more than three people, exceptional convoys, as well as taxis and VTCs. However, “the 'small wheelers' exemption issued by the Métropole de Lyon relating to the ZFE is suspended”.

The speed reduction to 70 km/h on axes limited to 80 or 90 km/h also remains in place.

The authorities are calling for vigilance and to limit travel as much as possible, pending an improvement in air quality.


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