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Tap water, the water we consume daily, is often perceived as a simple and healthy resource. But imagine for a moment that it could conceal dangerous substancescapable of harming your health in the long term. This seems implausible, and yet a recent study reports large-scale contamination.
The risks are very real for thousands of French people. But what is the state of water quality in your area? Answer here, with a zoom on the presence of vinyl chloride monomer (VCM)an insidious carcinogen.
Dangerous tap water
At first glance, tap water seems to be one of the most practical and environmentally friendly solutions to quench our thirst. However, recent research revealed a health scandal.
Gaspard Lemairean expert in environmental law, highlighted a major problem during his passage on “Special Envoy”of France 2. Tap water, delivered via PVC pipes installed in the 1970s and 1980s, contains residues of vinyl chloride monomer (VCM). This substance could well be carcinogenic.
To have
A carcinogenic gas contaminates tap water: hundreds of thousands of French people affected
The CVM is a colorless and odorless gasand its presence in water is not easy to detect without analysis. This substance is found in the pipes of certain regions, where it diffuses directly into drinking water.
The phenomenon is all the more pronounced in hot weather. In summer, in particular, the concentration of CVM increases and becomes even more problematic. Especially for the areas located at the end of networksoften in rural communities.
The most affected areas
The figures that emerge from this study are alarming. According to available data, nearly 140,000 km of pipes in France would be contaminated by CVM.
However, other sources, such as public service delegates, cite higher figures: up to 340,000 km. Tap water transported by these pipes is therefore in real danger. Millions of people therefore find themselves threatened.
-Among the most affected departments are Orne and Dordognewhere there are cases of exceeding the legal CVM thresholds. The data analyzed by Lemaire reveal MVC concentrations exceeding up to 1,400 times the authorized limits.
To have
Tap water unfit for consumption: municipalities affected by contamination
This situation is particularly worrying when we know that some regions have not even communicated their data.
The risks of contaminated tap water
The dangers of CVM are not new. Since the 1980s, global health authorities have recognized this substance as carcinogenic.
L’World Health Organization (WHO) highlighted the increased risk of liver cancer for people exposed to this substance. In addition, the risk turns out to be five times higher than the average.
European authorities have established directives to reduce exposure to this gas. However, concrete actions did not begin until much later. Particularly with the water quality checks carried out by Regional Health Agencies (ARS) in 2012.
CVM, present in tap water in certain regions, therefore remains a major health problem, especially since it is often invisible and odorless. Therefore, it becomes crucial to regularly monitor water quality to avoid prolonged exposure.
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