DayFR Euro

Geneva: A tram on the Mont-Blanc bridge: the idea is gaining ground

The idea of ​​a tram on the Mont-Blanc bridge is becoming more and more concrete. Mentioned by MCG elected official Daniel Sormanni last November, as an alternative after the failure of the pedestrian bridge, it is now the left which is taking up this proposal. Two socialists, Florian Schweri and Matthieu Jotterand, have tabled motions to this effect, one to the City of Geneva, the other to the Grand Council. Objective: take advantage of the maintenance work on the structure planned for 2030 to develop the public transport offer.

In the eyes of the two elected officials, cited by the “Tribune de Genève”, the saturated hypercenter must imperatively be relieved of congestion. According to them, killing two birds with one stone by installing a facility during the work would make it possible to save on the cost of such a measure. Enough to convince the right. At the head of Mobilités, Pierre Maudet said he was open to this solution.



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