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MP Jean-Hugues Ratenon calls for more resources for Island

Guest of the Réunion 1ère news, the deputy for the 5th constituency welcomes the curfew measure renewed in Saint-André and asks for more resources from the State to counter drug trafficking.

While he went this week to meet the Saint-André police and firefighters caught in the urban violence that occurred in Cité Fayard, MP Jean-Hugues Ratenon once again raised the subject of delinquency on Sunday January 19.

Guest of the Réunion 1ère news, the elected official of the 5th constituency welcomed the return of the curfew for minors in Saint-André.

“Joé Bédier is completely right, he assumes his role as mayor. The last curfew demonstrated that it worked. But we must go beyond, and it is the competence of the state which will have to provide the means “comments Jean-Hugues Ratenon, suggesting that “mayors should think about an intercommunal curfew, because there is violence, sometimes even more serious in neighboring municipalities.”

Watch Jean-Hugues Ratenon's speech on Réunion la 1ère news:

Tray Jean-Hugues Ratenon


A delinquency that he attributes “to the I-don’t-care attitude, the lack of integration, and the exploding drug trade.” “Trafficking has exploded, with violence, gang phenomena, prostitution” underlines the MP.

“I am going to contact the Ministers of the Interior and Justice to increase resources at the airport, for postal sorting, and in the ports where almost nothing is done”he promises.

He also believes that customs needs additional staff and resources. “There are 200 customs agents doing extraordinary work, but we need 300 agents on our territory. There is a danger for our society”he concludes.


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