DayFR Euro

In Saint-Avé, three new book boxes installed in the town

In 2017, based on an idea from the Municipal Children's Council, several book boxes found their place in different places in the city. But the ravages of time took their toll. Last year, during the participatory budget, several Avéans expressed the need to find this service. “The idea could not be retained, because the City was already carrying out this project,” explains Christelle Lanoé. “Indeed, we seek to promote access to books and reading,” adds Yannick Cadiou, culture assistant.

Three new book boxes are being installed on the playground in the ponds district, on the old Beau Soleil playground as well as in the presbytery garden. “These boxes were acquired from the Lire et Sourire foundation,” explains Florence Maudouit, director of the media library. They were decorated by Mehdi Lamour, painter of the town, with the help of young Avéens from the Maison des Jeunes.

Two “night lights”

Isabelle Bigotte and Raymonde Le Gal, the two Avéennes project leaders, were involved in the choice of locations for the book boxes. They also agreed to act, alongside the media library agents, as “watchmen” for the book boxes. They will regularly check the condition of the furniture, ensure that the works placed in the boxes are in good condition, that the boxes do not contain works of a proselytizing, sectarian or pornographic nature and, finally, will alert the City in the event of needed (aging or peeling sticker, problem on the boxes).


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