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Debate between the three unions candidates for the elections to the Chamber of Agriculture of Haute-

The Haute- Chamber of Agriculture is one of only three in managed by the Rural Coordination since 2019. The outgoing president is standing for the elections which take place from January 15 to 31, 2025. Facing him, the FDSEA and the Peasant Confederation hope to make a difference. Debate on our show Dimanche en Politique.

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It is a ballot which will make it possible to measure the influence of the different agricultural unions in Limousin. The elections of representatives in the chambers of agriculture take place from January 15 to 31, 2025. The chambers have a representation function, and different missions such as providing training and agricultural advice, but also coordinating actions in terms of facilities young people.


Our program Dimanche en Politique devotes a debate to the Chamber of Agriculture of Haute-Vienne which had created a surprise during the previous elections in 2019. The Rural Coordination has in fact won a historic victory over the FDSEA, making the department one of the only three administered by this union at the national level (with Vienne and Lot-et-Garonne). The Peasant Confederation arrived in 3rd position.

In 2025, the same unions are running for this ballot for which voting is done online or by mail. Annaïck Demars receives the three heads of the lists for a debate:

Summary of this debate: the different modes of action of each union, the question of agricultural income, the personality of Arnaud Rousseau, president of the FNSEA who visited Creuse on January 16, 2025, or even the consequences of climate change on farms.


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