The resource ceilings for CAF aid were modified on January 1, 2025, some recipients will therefore see their next benefits decrease or increase. We take stock.
Watch out for surprises. Following the update of the conditions of entitlement to allowances which occurred on January 1, 2025, where the amount of aid paid was notably increased and where the family allowance funds now take into account the income received in 2023, certain beneficiaries will see their benefits change during the next payment at the beginning of February.
Indeed, the significant revaluation of the ceilings this year could lead to the allocation of new aid for certain beneficiaries. This is the case of parents of two children, one of whom is under 3 years old, with two incomes and receiving 55,000 euros per year.
If they were slightly above the ceiling to benefit from the basic Paje allowance (young child care benefit) for their last child, set at 52,937 euros per year last year, with a new ceiling set at 55,478 euros in 2025, this couple will now be entitled to the partial rate allowance of 97 euros per month.
Who is affected?
This modification of rights may concern beneficiaries of family allowances as well as those of the basic Paje allowance, the family supplement, the allowance for disabled adults, or the free choice of childcare supplement in the event of childcare in a crèche or with a nanny.
-This potential increase only concerns parents whose income has increased little or not at all in 2022. Since January 1, the CAF has in fact taken into account income received in 2023 (and declared in 2024), and no longer in 2022. Consequently, parents whose income increased by more than 4.8% in 2023 could conversely experience a reduction or elimination of their allowances.
These new conditions are in addition to the 2-year gap between the income taken into account and the payment.
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