The Energy Regulatory Commission (CRE) announced a 15% reduction in the regulated sales tariff (TRV) for electricity from February 1. And the least we can say is that this news reassures the French about the price of electricity. On the other hand, not everyone is a winner.
A change in electricity prices
The main winners from this electricity tariff reform are subscribers to the regulated sales tariff (TRV), often known as the “blue tariff” proposed by EDF. As pointed out MoneyVoxthis rate includes various options such as “basic”, “peak hours – off-peak hours” or “Tempo”.
Customers of local distribution companies (ELD), such as GEG in Grenoble or Électrcité Strasbourg also apply the TRV. They too will benefit from the decline. Consumers who have opted for market offers indexed to the TRV will also benefit from the reduction.
And for good reason, their prices evolve at the same pace. It is therefore quite natural that the prices balance out at the same time. Please note that, according to CRE figures, 20.4 million residential customers had a TRV contract at the end of September 2024.
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As indicated MoneyVoxa couple living in an apartment and who consume 2,400 kWh per year with a 6 kVa meter (basic option) will see their annual bill go from 756 euros to 649 euros. He will then save 107 euros.
A family of three with a 9 kVa meter and a consumption of 8,500 kWh (peak hours – off-peak hours option) will save 389 euros. The bill going from 2,252 euros to 1,863 euros with this new electricity price.
For a family of four living in a house and consuming 14,000 kWh, the savings will be even greater. In fact, their annual bill will drop from 3,600 euros to 2,948 euros. That’s 652 euros in savings.
The big losers
On the other hand, not all households will benefit from this reduction with this new electricity rate. Those who have opted for market offers not indexed to the TRV, such as fixed price offers or those based on wholesale market prices, will be the big losers.
-More than 9 million residential sites are affected. These households will also face two significant increases. The increase in excise, a tax on electricity, which will increase from 21 euros to 33.70 euros per MWh.
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There will also be a 7.7% increase in the Tariff for the use of public electricity networks (TURPE). The latter finances in particular the network managers. For a household using 8,500 kWh per year with a 9 kVa meter (basic option), these increases represent an increase of 140 euros on their annual bill, indicates MoneyVox.
Regulated tariffs pass on the reduction in electricity tariff prices to the wholesale market with a certain delay. The reason? Their calculation is based on an average of prices over the last two years.
In 2024, this average still includes the high prices of 2022 and 2023. And this is because of the energy crisis. Conversely, some market offer providers have already integrated the recent price drop in their price lists.
This therefore allows them to maintain their competitiveness despite the increase in taxes. For subscribers, you must compare the offers carefully before making a choice.
Source : MoneyVox
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