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SENEGAL-AGRICULTURE-GOVERNANCE / Kaolack: the governor campaigns for agricultural chambers for better organization of producers – Senegalese press agency

Kaolack, Jan 17 (APS) – The establishment of agricultural chambers should be taken into account in the process of revising the agrosilvopastoral and fisheries orientation law (LOASPH), said the governor of the Kaolack region on Friday. (center), Mohamadou Moctar Watt.

”Necessarily, when we talk about an orientation law, we will have to ask ourselves questions about the mode of governance. What mode of governance for the agricultural sector? In the past, a process was initiated which, ultimately, would lead to the establishment of agricultural chambers. But since then, we don’t talk about it anymore,” he said.

The establishment of these agricultural chambers can ”truly” complete the organization of producers into cooperatives, he said, during a meeting of the regional development committee (CRD) devoted to the revision of the LOASPH .

He thinks that ”this could be an excellent thing”, because the agricultural chambers ”will truly be able to take charge of questions which only concern rural development (…)”.

He suggests ensuring that they ”are not diluted in rooms” supporting commerce and industry.


The CRD follows citizen consultations devoted to the revision of the agrosylvopastoral and fisheries orientation law (January 15-16).

The governor of Kaolack recalled that ”this meeting was intended to be able to validate the conclusions resulting” from the citizen consultations.




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