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Booba reveals the origin of the disagreement with Rohff

The Duke takes the opportunity to clash with the man who has been his rival for years.

We don't know if it really works, but Booba continues to try to attract attention as much as possible, while he tries to take his label “Sublife” rather dedicated to electro to the next level.and who also releases songs almost every week. So, to keep him on the front page of the news, he continue to clash with everyonewith quite a few targets this week: 404Billy, Damso, Maes, Theodort, Saïd Taghmaouithere is something for everyone. But It is clearly Rohff who is likely to hurt the most, since Kopp returned to the origins of their rivalry.

It therefore went back to what French rap specialists call “the source” of the disagreement between Rohff and Booba. Let's put the context back: at the beginning of the 2000s, Housni and Kopp were two young people who came straight out of the underground and were destined to take the place of behemoths like IAM or NTM. It is therefore natural thatin 2001, the two artists were brought to do a featuring, in the company of Rim'Kfor a piece that could have marked the history of the game. Except that the song was never officially released, although you can find copies of it on the web.

According to rumors circulating on this subject, if the title was never released, it's because Booba and Rim'K would have “turned off” Rohff on his songand as the ego is very powerful among rappers, Housni, upset, ultimately would not have wanted the song to be released. In Booba's tweet posted yesterday, we can read that “Rohff records, Rim'K and I record…. We turn it off. Rohff, too pricked in his ego, returns to the solo studio to change his segpa verse”.


Obviously, many stories have circulated on this subject in the past, and Rohff himself had already returned to the subject by asserting that if he had started to take things badly at that time, it was because the sound was initially intended to be on one of his projects, but that Rim'K and Booba allegedly maneuvered behind his back in order to take the piece for a Rim'K solo project. And what do you think about it? Which version seems the most credible to you?


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