With eight years of experience as head of the south-west Cornouaille sector, Mellacois Mathieu Rouzic has just been appointed president of the educational football commission for the Finistère district. He now supervises eight sector managers, supervising nearly 13,000 young graduates aged 6 to 13. “My mission is to collaborate with clubs to continue the development of the practice of football in football schools and to promote women's football. With 10% of girls enrolled in the district, aiming for 12 or 13% in the short term would be an ambitious objective, even if the current rate is already satisfactory. The Mellac stadium has 110 young people, including 10% girls, which corresponds to a good average,” explains Mathieu Rouzic, who will also participate in the organization of the U11 and U13 departmental finals as well as the essential Alain-Tournament. Michelet, which takes place in Mellac every May 8, since 1989.
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