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“Recipes & stories”, the book recommended by our culinary expert Laura Centrella

Since the first confinement in 2020, deprived of restaurants, the journalist began to share his recipes in a new video format with dazzling success.

Tasty anecdotes

This book is the culmination of this passion for cooking and his desire to share it, through simple but always appetizing recipes, such as a New York cheesecake, a baba ganoush or a tarragon chicken, a daily dish that he confided the great chef of , Anne-Sophie Pic. This book is above all a collection of beautiful stories. Like that of his Proust madeleine, the zucchini with brocciu that his Corsican grandmother prepared for him. Or even that of this “carbonara perfetta” with which he fell in love in a Roman trattoria in 2003.


What we particularly appreciate about this book are also the various very practical indexes.

By François-Régis Gaudry, from Marabout, 384 pages, €35.


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