In Vendée, four men are suspected of having illegally fished for eels, a protected and endangered species. As reported The Yonnais Country Journal Tuesday January 14, they appeared before the La Roche-sur-Yon court Monday January 6 and the verdict should be rendered on February 3.
The amateur fishermen would have acted throughout the Vendée department from January 2023 to April 2024. After having wiretapped them for months, the police learned that they met very regularly in places where fishing is prohibited. The investigation allowed them to determine that they were indeed fishermen of glass eels, the baby of the European eel.
Eight months in prison required
In total, the police discovered nearly 50 kg of glass eels in two makeshift ponds. According to our colleagues, who rely on the official customs website, the loot would thus amount to 1.5 million euros. The prosecutor requested eight months in prison for each of the suspects, who deny any illegal involvement in their fishing.
On its website, the Vendée federation for fishing and the protection of the aquatic environment recalls that the eel is the subject of a European management plan because it is considered a species « a danger ». Its fishing is strictly regulated throughout our territory.
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