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The initiative “for environmental responsibility” submitted to the Swiss population on February 9 –

The Swiss population will vote on February 9 on the “environmental responsibility” initiative. The Young Greens’ text demands that the economy take into account planetary limits within ten years. His opponents believe that a yes would harm Switzerland’s prosperity.

On May 27, Switzerland had already consumed the resources that nature can offer and renew throughout the year. This date is called Overshoot Day, an indicator developed by the non-governmental organization Global Footprint Network and validated by the Confederation.

>> Read also: Since Monday, Switzerland has been living on credit in terms of energy

In other words, this means that if all humans lived like the Swiss population, humanity would need 2.5 Earths. A reflection on environmental responsibility is therefore necessary to save the planet and so that there is no longer an overshoot day in Switzerland, according to the youth section of the Vert-es, which submitted the popular initiative in February 2023 “For a responsible economy respecting planetary limits”, also called the environmental responsibility initiative.

Do not emit more than the planet can support

The initiative wants to add an article to the Constitution which would oblige the national economy to evolve while respecting the limits set by nature and its capacity for renewal. This means that economic activities could not use more resources or emit more pollutants than the planet can support.

Switzerland would thus be required to significantly reduce environmental damage caused by national consumption in order to no longer exceed planetary limits. Concretely, to respect planetary limits, it would be necessary, for example, to reduce the carbon footprint per person by more than 90%, according to a study by Greenpeace Switzerland.

The Confederation and the cantons would have a deadline of ten years to achieve this objective in terms of environmental responsibility. The initiative committee does not precisely define the way in which the text must be implemented, but urges public authorities not to take measures which would cause social injustice.

>> The 7:30 p.m. topic on the start of the campaign in both camps:

Start of campaign for the “environmental responsibility” initiative / 7:30 p.m. / 2 min. / January 9, 2025

Limits not to be crossed

The concept of a planetary boundary was invented in 2009 by the Stockholm Resilience Centre, a research center at Stockholm University. It defines nine limits that must not be crossed so that humanity can live in a safe ecosystem. The initiative wants to focus on six of these nine limits, namely climate change, loss of biodiversity, water consumption, land use, as well as nitrogen and phosphorus emissions.

Switzerland has already exceeded the limits in terms of biodiversity erosion, climate change, water consumption and nitrogen emissions, according to a recent Greenpeace study. To ensure environmental responsibility, these limits must be respected.

The Young Greens believe that environmental protection must become a priority enshrined in the Constitution and serve as a framework for the economy and society. Their text must make it possible to preserve the vital bases of humanity to allow all human beings to have access to healthy food, clean drinking water and pure air.

The initiative committee further considers that the economy bears a heavy responsibility for exceeding the limits of the planet, because it consumes far more resources than nature can replenish. This causes environmental crises, extreme weather events and irreversible changes in ecosystems.

The text supported by the Young Greens is supported by a broad alliance of parties and non-governmental organizations, including the Greens, the Socialist Party, Greenpeace, the Association of Small Farmers and the Elders for the Climate. A total of 83 Swiss scientists also expressed their support in a statement.

>> The interview in La Matinale with Margot Chauderna, co-president of the young Swiss Greens:

The guest of La Matinale (video) – Margot Chauderna, co-president of Jeunes Vert·e·x·s Suisse / The guest of La Matinale (video) / 14 min. / yesterday at 07:32

>> Read also: Margot Chauderna: “The economy must function within the framework of the environment”

The Federal Council and Parliament opposed to the text

Opposed to the text, like Parliament, the Federal Council considers that it goes too far, in particular because of the ten-year deadline imposed to achieve its objectives. To comply with it, the Confederation would have to take drastic measures which would have negative repercussions on the economy and society. The text “would generate enormous processing costs, disproportionate and unsustainable for the State”, writes the government in its message on the initiative.

The government also emphasizes that the Constitution already includes numerous provisions relating to sustainability. He considers that the provisions in force are balanced and do not require additions.

Beyond the ranks of the left and environmental organizations, the initiative is hardly convincing. The elected representatives of the UDC, the PLR, the Center and even the Vert’liberals spoke out against the text during the debates under the Federal Dome. Economic circles are also fighting the text.

For opponents, the cost of these measures would not be bearable. Consumption would be subject to restrictions in the areas of food, housing, clothing and mobility. Opponents fear an explosion in prices and a decline in prosperity. They also speak of a “socio-political bomb”: the poorest would be hit hard. And to once again recall the measures already in place to protect the environment.

For its part, the employers’ organization Economiesuisse notes that low consumption of resources is also a sign of poverty. She notes that only fifteen countries have an environmental footprint smaller than one Earth and thus meet the initiative’s requirements. Among them are mainly countries in precarious situations, such as Afghanistan, Haiti or Madagascar.

>> The interview in La Matinale with Maxime Moix, vice-president of youth at the Swiss Center:

The guest of La Matinale (video) – Maxime Moix, vice-president of the Swiss Center Youth / The guest of La Matinale (video) / 14 min. / Monday at 07:32

>> Read also: Maxime Moix: “Switzerland must act for the environment in a socially acceptable way”

Text by Katy Romy (swissinfo) adapted by Frédéric Boillat


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