As a prelude to the annual Gamou of Taïba Niassène 2025, this religious event commemorating the birth of El Hadji Ibrahima Niass Baye (1900-1975), the Jamhiyatu Ansaru-Din Senegal (JADS) association which brings together all the Baye talibés, organized , this Wednesday, the “Taïba Niassene Economic Forum”.
The objective of this meeting is to provide solutions to the problem of agriculture in Senegal, through the agricultural vision of Baye Niass, but also to revive the “Toole Baye Niass” initiative which is a project to rehabilitate the agricultural field.
“The Jamhiyatu Ansaru-Din Senegal association (JADS) took the initiative of mobilizing all development actors, particularly those operating in the agricultural sector with the participation of management, financing and training structures, in order to support the populations on the opportunities offered by this forum”, declared Pape Massaër Diop, sub-prefect of the district of Paoskoto who chaired the ceremony.
According to him, “this forum was also an opportunity to highlight the vision of Sheikh Ibrahima Niass Baye, who already anticipated agricultural development by 2050.” “This perspective is in harmony with the strategic orientations of the new Senegalese authorities for socio-economic development, where agriculture occupies a central place,” added the sub-prefect.
For Amadou Samb, member of the JADS association, “this forum aims to contribute to the development of economic activity in the department of Nioro du Rip and more broadly, in Senegal”. “This, in accordance with the vision of our spiritual guide, Cheikh Ibrahima Niass, but also with that of the Senegalese authorities. It is a question of migrating towards precision agriculture, resilient in the face of challenges such as climate change and degradation of soils etc. This implies reconciling theory and vision with a modernized practice, implemented for decades and reinforced by the Caliph Cheikh Mouhamadoul Mahy Ibrahima Niass”, he maintained, before inviting the State to further support this initiative.
Remember that this forum was structured around 4 main panels: supervision mechanisms; mechanisms for financing economic activities, training mechanisms; agricultural potential, illustrated in particular by “Toole Baye Niass” and aims to establish solid partnerships and develop synergies between the identified institutions.
After a preparation phase, a monitoring phase will be implemented with all participating structures. “During the second edition of the forum, scheduled for next year, the results of this first edition will be presented to the public,” concluded Amadou Samb.
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